Frame New Lifestyle Acrylic Glass Light Purple 30x40 cm
Modern 9.8 mm wide frame with unbreakable plexiglas
Do you like lilacs? And do you want decorate your wall with a lilac frame? In that case, we definitely have something in our range that suits you. We have lilac frames in many different sizes, with thin or broad frames, and with space for one or more pictures.
Modern 9.8 mm wide frame with unbreakable plexiglas
Modern 9.8 mm wide frame with unbreakable plexiglas
Modern 9.8 mm wide frame with unbreakable plexiglas
Modern 9.8 mm wide frame with unbreakable plexiglas
Modern 9.8 mm wide frame with unbreakable plexiglas
Modern 9.8 mm wide frame with unbreakable plexiglas
Elegant frame with square edges and matte, lavender tone surface
Modern 9.8 mm wide frame with unbreakable plexiglas
Elegant square edge frame with matte, dark purple surface.
Elegant square edge frame with matte, dark purple surface.
Elegant square edge frame with matte, dark purple surface.
Elegant frame with square edges and matte, lavender tone surface
Elegant frame with square edges and matte, lavender tone surface
Elegant frame with square edges and matte, lavender tone surface
Elegant square edge frame with matte, dark purple surface.
Elegant frame with square edges and matte, lavender tone surface
Elegant frame with square edges and matte, lavender tone surface
Frame width: 18 mm / Frame depth: 16 mm
Frame width: 23 mm / Frame depth: 13 mm
Frame width: 23 mm / Frame depth: 13 mm
Lilac is a lovely colour that many people like to have at home. Having a few splashes of lilac in the home interior adds a light, stylish touch and feels really refreshing! As you can see, we have quite a few lilac picture frames to choose from, so you will no doubt find one, or even a couple, that suit your taste!
A splash of colour is always fun and you shouldn't be afraid to "spice up" you home a little. On the continent, we see much more colour in home interiors and that's great, don't you agree? Everything can not always be minimalist and white. Adding some colour here and there makes your home feel more alive.
Do you find it difficult to choose exactly what colours to bring into your home? The only advice we have is: follow your heart! We know colours and frames and whether it is a lilac picture frame, or a photo frame in another fun colour, the motif will always sparkle a little extra if you dare to buy a colourful frame!
Having a lot of frames in different colours on one and the same wall will look both great and cool, if you choose the right ones. We have an abundance of lilac picture frames and other colours as well for that matter, such as turquoise, pink, red and more.
If you decide to buy picture frames in different colours, you can just as well buy some fun motifs at the same time, or what do you say? Yes, it can look nice to have more subtle motifs if the picture frames are colourful, but it can also look absolutely amazing to have colourful prints framed in colourful picture frames. You should try it!
Lilac is a shade that goes very well with many other colours and it also looks amazing with silver and gold for example. So, a lilac picture frame is a perfect addition anywhere!
We have many fantastic posters that go really well with a lilac picture frame! Actually, if you like lilac then basically everything will look great with it!
An interesting thing is that, if you add some lilac splashes to your home decor it will actually instantly boost your mood as you walk in the door. A sterile home without colours is not very inspiring, don't you agree?
Fads come and go and if you want to keep up then you would have to change both picture frames and other things at home all the time. If you instead fill your home with things you like and are happy with, then it is always fun to come home!
If you like lilac and lilac picture frames, the smart thing is to buy that, even if it's not the most trendy colour for the moment. One thing we do know about trends is that they constantly change. Today's trend is not tomorrow's trend and vice versa. For this reason, it is always best to go for the colours you like!