Reflection-free glass


If you want high quality glass for your picture frame, you should try non-reflective glass. Below, you can choose the glass you want and then buy your frame separately. Non-reflective glass suits all kinds of picture frames, prevents 99% of all reflections and 70% of all harmful UV radiation.

If you choose to invest in this type of glass, you’ll see that it’s substantially different to normal glass and protects your image in the best possible way. Take a look below and choose the size you're after – we have a great selection of different sizes.

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    Showing 1 - 100 of 154 products
    Showing 1 - 100 of 154 products

    UltraVue® UV70

    With UltraVue® UV70 from Tru Vue, you get glass that is almost entirely invisible with a reflection grade of only 1%. The glass is also scratch-resistant and filters out 70% of UV light. Perfect when you don't want the light from a window or lamp to reflect from your picture frames.