Accordion photo albums


Do you want a cool and practical photo album? Then an accordion album is right for you. We have several different kinds so that you can easily find an album which matches your pictures. We have both colourful and more subdued colours – it's easy to find the perfect match. We have several different attractive choices from Leporello, and that means high quality for a good price.

Take a look in our selection below and then choose your favourites - we have something for all tastes


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    Leporello photo album

    Welcome to our leporello photo album category! The great thing with this model, which includes a variety of colours and sizes, is that you can use it as a collage picture frame as well as a protective cover for your photos. The albums are also ideal as personal presents. Why not have the album standing open as a dining table decoration at the party?

    This range includes cute baby albums in subtle colours and more colourful versions from the Fun Leporello product range. It's easy to organise your memories by colour. For example, a red album is perfect for Christmas photos or romantic memories, while clear blue is a resemblance of the sea, sky and summer. The album holds between 12-13 photos in the 10x15 cm 13x18 cm or 15x20 cm formats.

    Common to all albums in this category is that you insert your photos, newspaper clippings, tickets and other memorabilia yourself. The easiest way to do this is to use photo glue or photo corners. Have a look below and find your favourite leporello photo album!