Clip picture frames


There are occasions when you don't want the picture you're framing to compete for attention with somebody or something else. In that case, a clip picture frame works well! A clip frame has no coloured edges to attract any attention - it's just a sheet of glass that protects the picture.

We have clip picture frames for both large and small images.

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Type of glass
Stand included
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    • Type of glass
    • Stand included
    • Mount included
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    Showing 62 products
    Showing 62 products

    Clip frames

    Clip frames are practical little things indeed that fit any home! Many have probably had frames like this at some point in their lives, or have it at home right now. It's the kind of frame you find almost everywhere, and it's not hard to guess why. They are both practical, affordable and good-looking. They simply do every picture justice. Just like a frame should!

    Clip frames with different glass

    Our clip frames have different types of glass so that you can choose exactly the kind that suits you best. We offer both clip frames with ordinary glass, clip frames with matte anti-reflex glass and clip frames with plexiglass. In other words, it's easy to find exactly what you're looking for!

    It's important that you look beyond appearance when choosing a picture frame: functionality is equally important. As with so many other things, a stylish frame isn't worth a lot if it's impractical. If you choose one of our clip frames, you can be sure to be satisfied with both its design and function!

    Pretty with different sizes on the same wall

    If you want, you can go with just clip frames for an entire wall. In that case, it might be fun to mix, so that you have both smaller and larger variants. This makes your wall look stylish and cool. You might want to consider how the sun's rays hit the room first, and then choose glass for the frame based on that.

    Select a clip frame with ordinary glass where it fits, clip frames with matt anti-reflective glass, or clip frames with plexiglas where it fits. If you're unsure about what might be suitable; feel free to ask us, or do some research online.

    Since this isn't a regular frame that takes up space, the image will be particularly protruding, which is why clip frames are so good with, for example, the children's drawings. Of course, it's entirely up to each and everyone to decide what they want to frame, because regardless what they choose, the result will be lovely with these frames.

    Clip frames — easy and stylish

    When you pick clip frames, you add some beauty to your house, while at the same time ensuring that it will be easy to insert pictures, photos and so on. These frames are super easy to understand and you don't have to waste any extra time trying to figure out how to proceed. The pictures are placed and then you just have to "clip" them shut, and then it's done!

    It's very decorative to have many different clip frames together with a variety of pictures, so make sure to really fill the walls at home. Why limit your wonderful memories to the phone or a photo album? Up with the good stuff on the walls! And of course, the same goes for all other things aside from photos as well. As we have these frames in many different sizes, there's a lot that can be framed quickly and easily with nice results.